Much more than just a number.

Revealing your life path
Numerology is about understanding what happens to us, why we attract certain people or situations, and our purpose. Discovering the vibration of your life path is the first step for those in search of meaning and better alignment. I can help you to understand the aspects of this key number to achieve greater inner peace.
Ready to find out more about the meaning of your life?

Vivre toutes les facettes
de sa personnalité
Avec l'étude de l'ensemble des nombres de votre thème, nous définissons les forces de votre caractère et les éléments à privilégier pour trouver votre place dans ce monde, sans plus jamais chercher à rentrer dans un moule qui ne vous correspond pas.
Prêt(e) à prendre conscience de votre plein potentiel ?
Experience all the facets of your personality
By studying all the numbers in your chart, we can work together to identify the strengths of your character and the elements you need to focus on to find your place in this world, so that you no longer have to fit into a mould that doesn't suit you.
Are you ready to realise your full potential?

Getting back to yourself
Once we've reconnected with ourselves, a real sense of calm sets in. All that remains is to address the energy of the moment and the stage of the cycle you are currently experiencing.
Optional work on your origins and family tree can also be done to release deeper blockages. In some cases, this opens an even wider door that could change your life.
Are you ready to rediscover your essence, your raison d'être?
Les nombres vivent en nous, dès notre premier souffle.
La numérologie est une science vivante. Les nombres de l'identité et du jour de naissance
représentent une palette de plusieurs énergies, comme des vagues puissantes qui vous habitent
et vous bousculent. Libre à chacun d'aller contre ces vagues, ou de se laisser porter par elles et révéler
ainsi au monde sa puissance.
Mon approche est individuelle et personnalisée car vous n'êtes pas des numéros, vous êtes bien plus que cela. C'est pourquoi j'ai à cœur de prendre le temps d'échanger avec vous pour vous guider dans l'interprétation de vos nombres. Vous seuls avez le pouvoir de sentir vos forces et de vivre vos nombres avec alignement. Je suis là pour vous les montrer et pour vous redonner ce pouvoir, celui de vous poser les vraies questions et de changer votre regard sur vous-même.
Parfois bloqués par un cadre que l'on s'impose, ou par la vision que les autres ont de nous, nous ne voyons pas notre potentiel. Pourtant il est là, et au travers de l'étude de nos nombres on peut tous le voir, comme dans un livre ouvert, et il n'attend que nous pour être activé. La numérologie ne prédit pas l'avenir, elle s'assure simplement qu'il soit le plus juste possible pour nous.
Numbers live inside us, from our very first breath.
Numerology is a living science. The numbers of identity and day of birth
represent a palette of different energies, like powerful waves that wash over us
and shake us up. Each of us is free to go against these waves, or to let ourselves be carried along by them and reveal our own power to the world.
My approach is individual and personalised. I want to take the time to talk with you and guide you in interpreting your numbers. Only you have the power to feel your strengths and experience your numbers with alignment, and I'm here to give you back that power, the power to ask yourself the right questions and change the way you look at yourself.
Sometimes blocked by a self-imposed framework, or by the way others see us, we fail to see our potential. But it's there, and through our numbers we can all see it. It is only waiting for us to activate it, because while numerology does not predict the future, it does ensure that it is as fair as possible for us.

I've been working in advertising and visual communications for almost 20 years, living in France, Canada and Portugal, always in search of myself and meaning.
One day, fascinated by this vision of the world based on energies rather than the mind and material success, I finally took on this deep desire to stop doing what was expected of me. So I started training in numerology and psychogenealogy. These two complementary disciplines opened my eyes to the energies that have inhabited us and surrounded us since our first breath, and how essential they are to progress and better understand ourselves. What followed was a real journey of self-discovery, a way of better understanding my strengths, my talents, and above all the primary intention that guides my life at every moment.
Today, nothing thrills me more than helping new souls to get closer to their essence and reveal themselves to the world. To begin this process, I'm offering a discovery call to introduce you to the energy of numbers and find out a little more about what's holding you back or questioning you in your life today. So, when do we start?
(instead of €75)
*Offer valid until 16 March 2025
Your numerological theme
explained in a one-to-one session
Including a 30-minute discovery call to set the scene and get to know each other.
Numerology consultation by videoconference lasting 1 hour 15 minutes to review your numbers in relation to your date of birth, your complete identity and your current personal year.
Note: it is possible to add the purchase of the booklet, digital or printed, at a later date (max 3 weeks after the session).
(instead of €95)
*Offer valid until 16 March 2025
Your theme with a booklet
summarising all your unique numbers and their interpretation
Including a 30-minute discovery call to set the scene and get to know each other.
Numerology consultation by videoconference lasting 1 hour 15 minutes to review your numbers in relation to your date of birth, your complete identity and your current personal year.
Sending of a personalised electronic document with your complete theme.
(instead of €125)
*Offer valid in France and Portugal until 16 March 2025
Your theme with a booklet
delivered to your door
Including a 30-minute discovery call to set the scene and get to know each other.
Numerology consultation by videoconference lasting 1 hour 15 minutes to review your numbers in relation to your date of birth, your complete identity and your personal year.
Sending of a personalised printed document with your complete theme (delivery subject to conditions).a
Tools to help you recognise yourself.
‘A few months ago, I was going through a difficult period. I was lost, torn between my head and my heart, without understanding why I was reacting the way I was. Céline offered me an analysis, which was a real wake-up call. Thanks to her, I was able to put into words what I was going through, shed some light on this dark period and, above all, understand myself better. I'm deeply grateful for the help she gave me. Her guidance marked a turning point in my life, and I can only recommend her to anyone seeking clarity and understanding.’
December 2024
‘Very comprehensive session and very clear explanations. I would recommend Céline for her ability to listen, her understanding of expectations and her empathy.’
January 2025
‘The interpretation really spoke to me! I was amazed at how relevant the content was and how much it matched my own experience. Thank you so much Céline!’
February 2025